土曜日, 10月 02, 2004


NirvanaやMeat puppets、Long beach dub allstarsの元メンバーの参加で話題になりながら、もう解散状態になったバンドEyes adrift。先日ひょんなことからそこのHPを見たら、ニュースページに随分妙なことが書いてありました。



The Eyes Adrift web site is participating in a study with Stanford University on un-moderated message boards.

Professor Michael Smith, of Stanford’s Technology and Psychology department, is conducting the study.

“Message boards are a new phenomenon,” says Smith. “Boards without a moderator can give us insight into human interaction with technology that is free of any restriction”. He adds, “The Eyes Adrift board can help us understand the dynamic of the human mind in an anonymous, uncontrolled environment. It’s a glimpse into our future as a wired planet without social, moral or political boundaries”.

The studies underwriters, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, are supplying the researchers with Beta versions of Microsoft’s Internet tracking software.

All postings are traced to the computer of origin. “We are compiling messages, and information on who sent them, from all over the world”, says Smith. “We then will contact them for a follow up questionnaire.”

Local jurisdictions are showing an interest in the study and are participating with the researchers. Law enforcement from various nations with a burgeoning Internet user population wants the information to cross with their own databases. Pending criminal investigations will utilize the profiles of the message board posters with their respective caseloads.

“It’s a public safety issue”, says Captain Ricardo Menezda of the Spanish State Police. Menezda is chairman of the International Association of Cyber Law Enforcers ( IACLE ). IACLE coordinates efforts between policing agencies within its 45 member nations. “If these people act like this on line, they’re probably a threat to the community”, said Menezda.

Stanford will publish its report later this year.

要するに、野放し状態にしている掲示板上でのユーザー同士のやりとりをまとめて解析レポートすると。もう解散状態のバンドのBBSなんで本当荒れまくりなんですが、気になるのはスタンフォード大学という大学名をきちんと出しているところ。工学心理学のMichael Smith教授、本当にいるのか検索してみたんですが、どうもはっきりとはわからなかった。
